Later in the evening, a young man walked into the café with a girl – apparently a couple. They became the main protagonists of the evening. They were greeted by waitress Nastya, who had just completed her internship and was on her first independent shift.
The dining room was packed, and even I had to help clear used tables. However, Nastya held her own, managing all her tasks with flying colors!
“Good evening! Are you ready to order?” the waitress asked the guests. “Not yet, we’ll wait about five minutes, then come over,” the man replied, sounding slightly tense. Nastya returned exactly at the promised time: “May we take your order?” “What are you pestering us like an annoying fly for? Wait until we call you!” the guest shouted.
The young woman was clearly upset, but I managed to calm her down by offering to take care of this couple. However, Nastya decided not to give up and continued working until the end.
With considerable difficulty, the guests finally placed their order, mostly choosing appetizers and ordering numerous servings of a foamy drink. With each new glass, the man became increasingly unruly and louder.
The most unpleasant incident occurred when Nastya was clearing dirty dishes from a neighboring table.
“Waitress!” “Just a moment, I’m coming,” Nastya responded, carefully carrying a large stack of plates to the sink. “Hey, what’s the point of having a salary if you can’t do your job? Bring me clean plates immediately!” the man began to shout. “Please wait a moment, my hands are full,” Nastya repeated.
At that moment, the man grabbed several dirty plates and headed toward Nastya. Fortunately, waiter Georgiy arrived just in time. Although he was only nineteen, his two-meter height and impressive build made a serious impression.
“Having some problems?” Georgiy asked the guest. “No, everything’s fine. I just decided to help the girl with the dishes,” the man attempted to justify himself. “I suggest you go back to your table for now, and I will temporarily take over your service,” offered the waiter. “Looks like we’re done here. Can we have the check?” the guest returned. “Of course! By the way, you still have some unfinished beer. Maybe we can transfer it into plastic cups for the road?” Georgiy asked wryly. “No, thank you, we don’t need anything; we’ll just pay by card,” the man quickly replied. “By the way, you can leave a tip when you pay by card,” added the young man. “Great idea! Add a couple hundred rubles; we really enjoyed it here!” the guest agreed.
Thus, Georgiy not only defused the situation but also ensured generous tips for both himself and Nastya.
It is truly unfortunate for the friend of that rude man. For Nastya, that evening became a real trial, as such situations remain quite common in the restaurant business. It is especially concerning when there are no men on duty – as the assistance of security might arrive too late, and much unpleasantness can occur in that short period.”
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