No, I haven’t forgotten a thing. I remember perfectly how you ran off after a young, brainless beauty, forgetting everything in the world,» said the ex-wife with a haughty smile.

Don’t talk nonsense! What do you mean you’re not going to let me back in? ME!» Vitaly stood in the doorway of his former apartment with a surprised look on his face.

You’re the one talking nonsense. And what brings you here, huh? Where is it written, in what laws, that all those moral… jerks, having their fun on the side, have any right to go back to their ex-wives? Liliana exclaimed in astonishment.

Lilka, don’t be stupid. If you let me back in, you won’t get anywhere! insisted Vitaly. Have you already forgotten everything?

No, I haven’t forgotten a thing. I remember perfectly well how you ran off after some young, brainless beauty, forgetting everything in the world,his ex-wife said with a haughty smile.

And what’s with you putting labels on her? How is she brainless to you, huh?Vitaly was offended, momentarily forgetting why he had come.

What do you mean, she isn’t? She found someone to envy, you foolish little thing. She snatched a fortune. But I see you quickly came to your senses, since you’re back here.

You just talk and think!—Vitaly retorted—I’m your lawful husband…

I WAS! the woman shouted with undisguised joy.

Well, that’s something that can be fixed soon. I repeat—I am your husband, with whom you’ve spent almost twenty years. We have two children—you can’t just erase that from our lives. So stop being stupid and set the table. Let’s celebrate my return.

Vitaly carried a large suitcase and a gym bag into the apartment, ignoring Liliana’s protests.

Don’t sulk, don’t sulk! Have you forgotten whose apartment this is?» Vitaly asked strictly, as he critically examined himself in the hallway mirror.

No, why would I forget? This is our joint apartment, which I’m trying to sell right now so we can divide the money between us. You wanted it that way when you left,» Liliana reminded him. «You demanded, shouted, and insisted that it needed to be done quickly.

Well, you haven’t sold it yet. And thank God! Now there’s no need to sell it at all. And this apartment is mine, you understand? Vitaly said confidently.

Ours, she replied.

No, mine! And you know that perfectly well, dear, so you have no right to bar me from entering.

But we bought it together during our marriage,Liliana countered, having almost forgotten her ex-husband’s insolent nature.

And then you say that you also contributed to its purchase?» he sneered cynically. «You practically handed over your meager paycheck. Don’t make me laugh! If I hadn’t been around, with your salary as an accountant, you wouldn’t even have been able to buy a dog kennel. I already held a good position at our factory back then, always bringing you decent money. So we once decided that we needed to move from your little room in the communal apartment to a proper apartment. And we bought this one. Forgotten?No, I haven’t forgotten. My memory is excellent. It’s just that the money from renting out, and later selling, my room was invested here. So there’s no point for me to talk about the difference in our salaries. I can count too—I’m not any dumber than you, Mr. Wise.

See how you started talking! Look at how bold you’ve become without me, getting all loose, Vitaly said in a strict tone, frowning disapprovingly.

Listen, if you have nowhere to live, rent a room or go to a hotel, since you’re flaunting your income here. I’ll sell the apartment, and that’s it—nothing ties us together anymore. But we certainly won’t live together. This is just pure nonsense!» Liliana declared indignantly, looking at him with both bewilderment and disdain.

Oh, we will! And don’t argue. And our children will thank us for this later,Vitaly declared proudly, setting Liliana’s fate in stone.

They won’t. They’re on my side. They don’t even want to talk to you, Liliana stated with satisfaction.

I see… You’ve turned them against me, against their own father! Without me, you’ve all gotten completely out of control, forgetting all order. Well, I’ll straighten things out quickly,the ex-husband threatened.

I highly doubt it, the woman assured him. «You started all this in vain, Vitaly. If Mashka kicked you out, then nothing’s going to be taken away from you here either. I have no intention of forgiving you, I won’t live with you anymore, and it’s all utterly absurd. We divorced, and I already have another life.

What? You have another life? Don’t make me laugh at my gray hairs! Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? Lilka, you didn’t shine with beauty even in your youth—and that’s putting it mildly. And now, in your forties, even more so! You should thank me for spending your old age with a worthy man,Vitaly boasted cynically.

And yet, I insist that I have a personal life that now has nothing to do with you,Lilya calmly countered.

What kind of personal life? What are you up to? I took you as my wife twenty years ago out of pity. I pitied you, you foolish woman. I suppose, who else would want such a silly woman—one could say I made you happy. And you, ungrateful thing, should have thanked me at least once for that. Then you would have stayed with the ladies,» Vitaly continued to belittle his ex-wife.

Oh, of course! There you go again—in your usual role as the world benefactor, patron, and saint! You’ve jumped back on your favorite topic. And I had almost forgotten how you love to praise yourself,» she shot back.

Lilka, that’s enough, okay? Now breathe and start being happy that your husband has returned. It means not everything about you is bad. You’re a good wife—that’s what it means!» Vitaly smiled broadly at her, fixing his thick, curly hair.

Liliana even burst out laughing as she looked at him.

Your charms don’t work on me, master of seduction! That’s enough—you can relax and stop wasting your energy and time.

What, have you really decided to spend the rest of your life alone? But we’re still so young—we could enjoy a great second half of our life together. Travel, for example. What do you think? Going to the seaside, would you like that? Or somewhere even further—once or twice a year. Our children are grown up now, and I earn well, so we can afford it. Your friends will envy you. Or we could buy a house outside the city. We’ll sell this apartment and buy one. Lilka, how do you like the idea? Our children, our grandchildren when they’re born—everyone will come to visit us. Think about it, what are you refusing?

Not a great idea. Besides, you can do all that without me, with some other woman.»

I don’t need any other. I have a wife—legally,» insisted Vitaly.

I’m not your wife! Leave me alone, for God’s sake! You’re so attached,» she retorted.

But I want you, he declared bluntly as he strode into the kitchen. «Come on, feed me and stop sulking. I’ve already gauged how upset you are, but there’s a limit to everything, you know! Enough!»

Vitaly even managed to glance at what Liliana had cooking in her pots. But at that moment, the cell phone rang.

Yes, the woman answered with a smile. «And I’m glad to hear your voice. Come over, of course! But I must warn you—an unforeseen circumstance has arisen here. Yes, him. Just as you suspected.

Who’s calling you then?» the ex-husband asked jealously.

It’s my beloved man,» Liliana replied calmly.

Oh, please! Don’t make me laugh! Who do you think you are—a useless, old, ugly hag! Unless some scoundrel got his eye on you because of the apartment. But let him know—this apartment is mine!» Vitaly shouted.

Oh my, how ridiculous you are! A rich man with half a two-room apartment. And you’ll soon find out who I really am. He’s coming here right now—to me.

Stop this circus, Lilka. You’re really tiring me out, for God’s sake! Surely, it’s one of your friends calling, and you’re shamelessly lying to me about a man. Nobody needs you!» Vitaly looked arrogantly at the smiling woman.

Oh, come on… You’re deluding yourself. A self-assured turkey,» she teased.

I’ll show you! Ugh! Have some respect for your husband,» Vitaly threatened, pointing a finger.

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang.

I’ll open it myself! I’ll open it—this is my apartment!» Vitaly shouted and rushed into the hallway.

Imagine his surprise when he saw his direct boss—the deputy director of the factory where he had worked for many years as a senior engineer—standing in the doorway.Oh, Dmitry Ivanovich! What an unexpected, but pleasant encounter! Come in, come in! I’m glad to see you. And what brings you to my home? Aren’t you here to offer me some new position, huh?» the man asked with a broad smile. We can talk about that in the office. Look, Lilya, see how much the management values me! He comes to my home to discuss work.»

But I’m not here for you. And as far as I know, Vitaly, you haven’t lived here for a year now. So step aside and let me through,» Liliana said.

Not for me? Vitaly’s expression changed. «Are you joking, Dmitry Ivanovich? And if not with me—the senior engineer—then with whom? Not with her—a mere specialist, a drab little mouse from accounting?

Vitaly looked at his ex-wife in confusion.

Yes, I came to see my beloved woman. Hello, Lilenka,» Dmitry Ivanovich said, embracing Vitaly’s ex-wife and even kissing her on the cheek.

With her?Vitaly was dumbfounded, watching his boss dote on his ex-wife.Yes, with her. I proposed to her, and Liliana accepted— for which I am endlessly grateful.»

Dmitry Ivanovich and Liliana gazed at each other with loving eyes.

What? Are you playing a trick on me? Vitaly couldn’t believe what was happening.

No, of course not. I have been a widower for three years now. And Lilechka is divorced. I, Vitalka, had long admired your wife. And when I found out that you—an idiot—dumped her, I didn’t wait. And now we’re together.

That can’t be!» Vitaly exclaimed in disbelief.

Maybe, maybe. And behave respectfully. Don’t forget that you are in the presence of my direct superior and his future wife. Now grab your suitcases and get out of here.And… Vitaly tried to say something.

And if you continue to fuss about your rights, I’ll fire you. Yes, that’s how it is. I’ll find a reason, trust me.

What about the apartment? Mine… ours?

Lily will sell the apartment; we won’t need it. We will live in my house. She’ll give you the money from the sale, as you agreed during the divorce. But right now, Vitaly, you have absolutely nothing to do here. So, no need for a scandal—you understand that it will only make things worse for you. And forget about that new position. You don’t deserve it. You could let me down at any moment.»

Vitaly left his former entrance with his bag and suitcase and went off to find some shelter. He didn’t yet know where to go. His mind was in a whirl, unable to believe what had happened.

In that moment, only one thought occupied his mind—that his lady had found someone in his Lilka, an unattractive, old woman who was supposed to sit and wait for him, Vitaly, back home.

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