Edward was a conscientious employee. He had been with the company since its start, and although he had beyond the retirement age, he continued to do his job like clockwork, which was greatly appreciated by everyone.
But, to Edward’s terrible despair, everything changed one day.
“The purpose of this notification is to inform you regarding your position in the company…We regret to inform you that there’ll be a major reduction in the workforce due to corporate restructuring.”
Tears flowed down his cheeks as he noticed numerous individuals around him wearing the same sh0cked expression.
But what pained Edward the most was that he had spent his entire life working for the firm, just to be sacked. How could they have done that to him?
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Then he saw something on the screen—the true reason he was dismissed.
Rick, the company’s founder, has given control to his sole grandson, Dan. The young man began his term by restructuring the personnel, and he believed Edward was too old to work for the corporation.
Dan reasoned that the company needed sharper minds and more capable people to fulfill the monthly KPIs, not a bunch of sloths who were either warming up the seats, doing nothing or were too elderly to be considered employees at all.
So he made his decision and sent the termination letter to Edward and the other employees.
After leaving the office, Edward went straight home. He lived alone, so he didn’t have anyone to express his concerns with. His lone son had moved abroad, and his wife had d.i.e.d of can:cer years before.
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Could he do some gardening daily or establish his own YouTube channel like Generation Z? But Edward understood the thought didn’t appeal to him. He hoped he could be back in his office, doing his work, writing reports and charts like he had for his entire life.
A month later, Edward was surprised to learn that his wish had been granted. He was enjoying breakfast when he got a call from an unknown number.
“Am I talking to Mr. Edward Morales?” A no-nonsense voice on the other end of the call inquired.
“Good day, Mr. Morales. I’m Mr. Rick Benson’s lawyer, Andrew Hoffman. I’m phoning to advise you that following Mr. Benson’s d.e.a.t.h, you are the new owner of his IT firm; therefore, I’d appreciate it if you could come to my office to finalize the formalities.”
“If I’m not mistaken,” the lawyer continued, “you and Mr. Benson were childhood best friends, and he admired you greatly. He frequently mentioned how you stepped down from the firm’s top management to become a regular employee, even though you had founded the company together with Mr. Benson.”
“Well, in exchange for leaving the company, he’s asked his close friend for a favor, and I’d like you to be in my office when you find out. We’ll be there to greet you. I’ll email you the specifics shortly,” he added before hanging up the phone.
As soon as he received the details, Edward went to the lawyer’s office to acquire answers to his queries.
There, he met Dan, who explained why his grandfather had left the company to him, and everything began to make sense to Edward.
“Grandpa wanted me to learn everything about running a business because he wanted me to be a good businessman like him. That’s why he handed me the company. But I made some terrible decisions, and I fired many people who were critical to the company’s operation,” he confessed regretfully.
“Alright then,” sighed Edward. “Buckle up, Dan, coz this is gonna be a bumpy ride, boy! You better be ready for this.”
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After taking over the company, Edward worked tirelessly, focusing solely on what would help the company grow and prosper, and while taking Dan under his wing. He shows Dan how difficult it is to accomplish something meaningful. Years later, when Edward felt satisfied Dan was prepared for the enormous responsibility, he made him CEO of the corporation.
Dan pledged he would not disappoint anyone, and he has not. The company is doing exceptionally well under his guidance, and Rick must be very pleased of his friend and grandson.
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